Hartismere Leadership Training

Transformational Leadership through practice

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Hartismere Leadership Training

Hartismere Leadership Training (HLT) is a member of Hartismere Family of Schools. We are specifically focussed on developing teachers and leaders to be at the forefront of the latest educational research.


Our resolution is to enable students to achieve outstanding outcomes through the development of excellence in both the classroom and through enhanced strategic leadership throughout East Anglia.


As with all of NPQs we support participants to gain success in small group discussions, the development of successful change management tools which are aligned to their subject, department or area of Leadership. 


We achieve this through access and introductory courses as a taste of leadership and through the suite of National Professional Qualifications. 


NPQ Senior Leadership

NPQ Headship

Leading Primary Mathematics

NPQ Leading Teacher Development

NPQ National Professional Qualifications

NPQ Leading Literacy

NPQ Leading Teaching

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Coaching Qualifications


Training Leadership Development INSET Teacher CPD Coaching NPQLPM NPQSENCO NPQML NPQTL Npq Introductory Courses NPQH NPQLL NPQTD Teaching SENDCO Learning Partner NASBTT SENCO Teacher Training

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